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The Transformative Process of Self-Image Mentoring: Reflections and Achievements

Writer's picture: Fernanda PretoFernanda Preto

When I started the self-image mentoring, I knew I was about to guide a group of people on a profound journey, but what transpired over the next three months was much more than I expected. It wasn't just mentoring. It was a process of personal transformation, both for the participants and for me, who found myself once again going through the layers of myself reflected in each story and discovery.

At each meeting, I realized that many of them arrived without really understanding what this process would be like. There were doubts, fears, but above all, an enormous determination that something would transform them. And that's exactly what happened. Over the weeks, each participant began to deconstruct old narratives about themselves and rebuild a new relationship with their own image.

Using the CorpoMemória method, I invited everyone to explore their stories and emotions through therapeutic photography. Each exercise, each photo, was an important piece in this emotional puzzle. And, at the end of each meeting, it was possible to feel the weight of the old self-criticisms dissolving, giving way to a new, more welcoming and truthful perspective.

The highlight of this process was the Image-Sense Map, a compilation of all the photos taken during the mentoring. This visual and emotional map was the perfect closure to this journey, as it symbolically brought together everything that had been experienced and transformed over the three months. Seeing these images together is like watching the reflection of each person's transformation. They weren't just taking pictures; they were revealing their stories, their truths, their deepest feelings.

And from this, something new has emerged: an online publication that I am developing, bringing together this powerful material. The idea is to share the power of these stories of transformation with the world, showing that self-image goes far beyond what we see in the mirror - it is a construction of who we are.

At the end of this journey, what touched me most was seeing how the initial self-image issues had transformed into something deeper: genuine acceptance, a renewed connection with their life stories and restored confidence. What began with a group seeking answers without specific questions, ended with a bond that found something much greater: a new way of seeing, feeling and positioning oneself in the world.

Now, as I look back, I feel enormous gratitude for having witnessed these changes. And I'm right to share, through this new publication, the journey of these incredible women who dared to look inwards and transform their own narratives.

Fernanda Preto

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